Tag: society & social issues

The Electress Of North Rhine-Westphalia And Its Chancellor – Politsatire

The global solution of all the problems a new world with respect for this woman and her court, who know what they want. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Novela by clicking through. No party may come to enjoy, this “felt Social Democrat” victory. Everything is in the “old” and policy change was just well intentioned. The voters will sincerely as happened so many times in recent years, the Social Democrats. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gavin Baker. She has decided – free democratic elections to and fro.

If they are not compliant, they have no value for the Princess. There is the monarchy of “social democracy”. Her Serene Highness, Hannelore Kraft has ordered the former Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Mr Jurgen Ruttgers steward their grace and he is now as State Chancellor the political business ‘true’. To the side of Mr. Minister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart as representative was placed, so that this House, the Federal Council – complacent further “can do his work for atom, austerity package and head package, in the sense of the majority of the people”.

Congratulations to the SPD, it is ‘Finally’ back on top. Respect for this woman and her court, who know what they want. No party may come to enjoy, this “felt Social Democrat” victory. Everything is in the “old” and policy change was just well intentioned. The voters will sincerely as happened so many times in recent years, the Social Democrats. Politsatire by Wolfgang Bergmann author by renewable means of payment

Increasing Child Poverty In Germany

Poverty in rich countries: one in three children is poor in the Federal Republic of Germany the rising child poverty in Germany frightening proportions. Actually unthinkable in a country of prosperity like Germany and yet true. Rising unemployment, rising prices and Harz IV have a not inconsiderable share it. Donations alone can relieve only the roughest emergency. Children who have not even enough warm clothing for the winter and whose Eltern have no money for lunch. There is the specially decorated tables where children can get a hot meal, not in sufficient number. Able to absorb only a small part of the emergency.

The harsh reality outside is cruel, and those in need are those who can least defend themselves once again. Long, politics and society to take action are called. A business country like Germany with a high worth living can neither morally nor otherwise afford that here children go hungry and have no adequate environment available. After all are we all called upon to make our contribution. Whether it be through donations to the relevant institutions or through simple emphasized, both effective. Only one won’t work at all, look the other way! Hate crime and bitter adults, so the balance of today’s child-poverty in Germany could look like in a few years. A frightening thought, but not outlandish. Lack of future prospects and motivational perspectives allow such negative views.

Social descent and stark contrasts between those who have everything and those who do not even have the minimum to life, are the result. Child poverty in Germany is an alarming condition that not alone as such should be understanding, but clearly has a disturbing line in the structures of our society. These children can be seen not isolated. Hear from experts in the field like Byredo for a more varied view. They reflect a part of our country, a part of our social State in the form of blatant. We see them on the streets and on the playgrounds. Later we take as apprenticeships outreach Young people, looking for work, ideally at work or on the social services again. Who knows exactly? The rising child poverty in Germany concerns all of us. Donating not only money, but give courage and hope and especially give these children a real chance.

Men And Education

Study shows strict evaluation of images of children by fathers Nuremberg, June 22, 2011, no matter whether at home or in school, anywhere in Germany painting children and have fun doing it, to create a work of art. Almost one in five of the surveyed fathers confirmed however that he improved the images of his child or gives suggestions for the embellishment. However, only about every tenth woman rated their child’s work. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by TNS infratest on behalf of STAEDTLER. Painting should be estimated but as a process and not rated as well as the result, child therapist Dr. Miriam Bachmann explains. Because the created work fills children with pride you can keep your product in hands and share it with others.

Shows a detailed observation of the results of the study: three quarters of all respondents parents say their honest opinion to the painted image of the child. Almost 12 percent of the parents go even one step further and show better how. It is the 19.9 percent Men who enhance the artwork. Children should grow up but with minimal pressure and painting give free rein to their creativity and fun. Children are experiencing being self-determined, acting through the full process of creation and action. “It is therefore important not to evaluate images and other artistic works in the sense of judge but they appreciate”, Dr. Miriam Bachmann confirmed. In particular painting supports numerous positive qualities within the education and development of children.

The three key aspects, promoted by painting are assessment of surveyed parents of creativity and imagination (99.6 percent), motor (98.3 per cent) and concentration (95.7 percent). “This underlines also Dr. Miriam Bachmann: painting will promote not only coarse and fine motor skills, but also abstract logical and creative thinking, as well as the visual perception.” Due to this painting which should at an early stage in everyday life Children are integrated and supported by the parents.

Communities Confront Demographic Change

Demographic changes meet the communities more than the free economy. Demographic changes meet the communities more than the free economy: the average age of employees is significantly higher in their organizations. Gain insight and clarity with Estee Lauder. Parallel to the measurement of PERSONAL2011 and corporate Health Convention presented therefore the Organizer spring Messe management on 13 and 14 April in Munich the new thematic series HR in the public sector”. Experts, who come mostly from the practice, demonstrate successful solutions for the personnel working in public administrations. Many local governments have in recent years reduced their training activities and new hires. Hear other arguments on the topic with Estee Lauder.

Today acute action about knowledge transfer, career prospects and especially in human resources development is required for your personnel management. Jochen Glaser of the Verlagsgruppe Huthig Jehle Rehm makes against this background the beginning during the thematic series HR in the public sector”: he is the representative study demo demography festivals Staff working in local authorities”before, for which the Publisher has questioned 400 HR decision-makers from local administrations. That it gets stuck in practice mainly on the competent qualification, also Hans-Joachim Rieger, head of Department of the dbb Academy in Bonn, has observed. Public administrations invested huge sums of money in the training of own staff and the qualification of trainees and students. Budgetary constraints still meant that the learning time shortened and the systems were overloaded. At the start of the second day of the event, Rieger explains how local authorities can professionalize training. Advance employer branding in the public sector on the second day of the series is how the public service can break new ground in the personnel and education marketing also about. Municipalities find it hard today in the face of an increasing competitive situation on the labour market to attract top professionals for themselves. The city of Munich is personnel marketing example, like Stefan Scholer, Director of education and training in the Personnel and organisation Department of the Bavarian metropolis, running.


In man stuffs the classes any other West European country with as much student as in Germany. Average, our classes to 20-50% are greater than those of our neighbours. In the private sector know the handlebar of a company to the importance of a work-friendly environment. Trying what is possible to create as positive working conditions. Disgruntled workers are not only unmotivierter, they desire to be easier, what can end up in the strike. In other words, Satisfactory working conditions increase the productivity of all those involved. That the working conditions at German schools are no longer satisfactory, is seriously doubted by anyone.

And that is increasingly not only for schools. If however, a majority of teachers would be hired, so one must assume that they organized in enabled trade unions would make use of their social rights. A massive teacher strike could be but not limited to the schools. Parents would have to after care facilities take a look around or stay away from the own job for the duration of the strike. The economic damages for individual companies and the economic damage to the country would be immense, apart from the actual education failure. In extreme cases, even the social collapse threatened.

Also mass organized, hired teachers for themselves could demand a separate compensation agreement, again with the help of the right to strike. That this scenario is not so impossible, the medics have drilled through successfully not so long ago. The bureaucratization teacher, however, must say “Yes” to everything. One allows him to work under degrading working conditions, invites him to social neglect on the shoulder, lets him work more unpaid, gives him no wage increase, as usually happened in the last 15 years over the years, garnering special payments him instead, so he has much less in your pocket for overtime under the dash and explained everything with his Unkundbarkeit. A privilege, no doubt, but one that he must pay dearly. And what is the bureaucratization of the teacher. He has no choice and says anything, if also reluctant, Yes, at least. But also here the voices that claim that the State no longer sufficiently performs its duty of care towards officials is gradually accumulating. We’ll see what the future brings. But one thing is sure: the teacher shortage will worsen further. Accordingly, the working conditions are further slip in the basement and the aggressiveness of schools continue to rise. It must be clearly said those who call are still the hired teachers,: there is also economically speaking, under the given conditions, no more convenient and better teachers than the verbeamteten.