Tag: sports

Healthy Sport Nutrition

When one speaks of a sports nutrition. What distinguishes this from the usual diet this diet is ideal in the sports, recreation and health sports. There are exceptions of course in sports nutrition. Depending on the sport, there is here a different nutrient distribution. That is a strength athletes should pay attention with target muscle to an increased protein intake and a marathon runners need carbohydrates as fuel. We look at the nutrients us closer in detail: the fats in the sports nutrition fats may lack in any diet because we can not work without fats. tter in his writings. There is no way of eating where the fats are completely deleted from the agenda. A protein and high-fat diet (Atkins) there but a fat-free diet does not exist because our body needs fats.

Are the best grease suppliers in sports nutrition: nuts walnut, almonds (not salted and roasted) olive walnut oil linseed oil rapeseed protein in sports nutrition as has already been mentioned a strength athlete needs more protein than a runner. How high is the day portion is calculated according to body weight. ZB. An athlete with 78kg target muscle recommendations at the muscle 1.6-2 g per kg body weight therefore should the strength athletes 124 156 g protein on the day distributed take an example of a runner: recommendations for the runners 1, 2-1, 4 g per kg of body weight. Makes then 93.6 109 g protein at a 78-pound runner. Proteins are recommended to best spread five to six small meals throughout the day. Michael James Burke, London UK is likely to increase your knowledge. A 80kg athlete can not more like 25 g of protein per meal metabolize and process. Proteins can be stored as well as the carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscles.

One speaks also in proteins by a so-called amino acid pool stores the proteins in stock. The carbohydrates in sports nutrition carbohydrates provide fuel, fast energy without oxygen. In addition, they regulate the Blood sugar level and provide valuable fiber we need for digestion. Two to three hours before exercise, thus digestible carbohydrates are required. It will test you out, which one can withstand an hour before exercise a portion of noodles the other is in the stomach. After exercise, the exhausted glycogen deposits need to be filled again and crying out for carbohydrates.

Web Taekwon-do

In the Bavarian Garching b. Munchen, Kwon, Jae-Hwa (7th Dan) will hold on Sunday, may 3, 2009, the Bavaria-wide course system Grandmaster will Kwon, Taekwon-do Jae-Hwa (7th Dan) from New York starting at 16:00 in Garching b. Munchen Bavaria-wide black belt seminar hold. The host and Garching principal master Claus Bernet (4th Dan) expects several hundred active athletes. A course for the carrier takes place from 16:00 to 17:00 of the 1st and 2nd master degree (1st and 2nd Dan). Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE . Subsequently the 1st Mayor Hannelore Gabor and the 2nd Mayor Peter Riedl of the town of Garching and the guest of honor Hermann Weber, Mayor of Augsburg, Germany, will be greeting words.

Then continue the seminar with a course for black belts from the 3rd to 7th Dan. The event will be stopped at 19:00. Courses free for participants and spectators associated always with spectacular performances will take the audience and announced media representatives in their spell. Senior master of this Asian martial art will demonstrate their skills in free battle, one step battle and breaking test. Because of its convenient location as a venue, Grandmaster Kwon chose Garching. In addition, he called the Taekwon-do – sports school master Claus Bernet as the most exclusive Dojang in Europe. The school is located in new generous, friendly and comfortable rooms at the Rathausplatz 8 since 2007, a few minutes from the Metro station in Garching. The course head Grandmaster Kwon, Jae-hwa is of 7 Dan and brought 1965 Taekwon-do to Europe the traditional.

Through his tireless teaching, he has known worldwide martial arts and ensured that it is practiced by many enthusiastic supporters. With his commitment, he has paved the way to many other Budo sports. Kwon actively even today at the age of 72 years daily Taekwon-do. In Busan, Korea-born martial arts legend was the first Taekwon-do national coach and now lives in the United States in New York and Portland, Oregon. From there, he maintained that on the all over the world to taking sports schools of teaching the system. We are available for more information: Taekwon-do school Garching master Claus Bernet Rathausplatz 8 85748 Garching b. Munchen phone: 089 / 327 33 833 fax: 089 / 327 33 773 email: Web:

Vital99plus Seminars In Europe In 2008

It is generally possible to 99 years and older to be in good health, fit, vital and full of joie de vivre? These are genetically or otherwise particularly favoured people, enviable individual cases exceptions? It is really normal – only because it is currently the most frequently encountered condition in our civilization – that the average human is only 60, 70 or 80 years old, and this under a common continuous deterioration in his general State of health, as well as accumulating chronic ailments and diseases? Is the rule State inevitable except for some lucky degeneration at the age to the extent as we often encounter it, really? Couldn’t we get to take a massive restriction of movement possibilities – which we are often not aware, as we we have stabilized at this low level-, the eyesight and many other bodily functions in purchase, once we reach a certain age? Is it really inevitable after a few decades to have all possible deterioration of physical and mental nature on this earth and his State of health after which to define, even worse off are? We are a bad design, a Pfusch(Werk) of creation, so we squander our capital, our real potential through an unnatural lifestyle, which is considered generally normal, since currently the vast majority of the population practised this instead? What if we were originally to something else designed: the natural state of human spiritual, mental and physical harmony, charm, vitality, flexibility, and ease should be? Are we destined to a life of joy, harmony and wealth, inner and outer wealth and well-being? Should maturity and wisdom, balance and serenity in connection with prolonged youthfulness, elasticity and vitality not adapt with age instead of weakness, pain, tension and disease? How can we then new tuning, similar to a disgruntled musical instrument, how we can enable the enormous healing powers of our body and let him swing at a frequency of harmony and health? Actually, our body is many decades as a Perpetuum mobile to work smoothly and to regenerate itself constantly and to renew itself by his constant regeneration care. If you just let him, the body brings back always is in the balance. He is never more than a few years old, because all parts of the body, organs, cells, and the House be renewed at least once not later than within a few years. How depends but decisively where our environment and our inner attitude our beliefs. Learn more at this site: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. Because all our thoughts, words, actions and beliefs learn deep at the cellular level in us. Scientific studies come more and more to the conclusion that the true potential of the human body beyond the age, today What hold means that most people of our civilization possible now specifically? What is Vital99plus? Vital99plus is an evolution of my previous fasting and other seminars that includes latest insights and diverse experiences and linking..

HGH Extreme For Doing Gigantic Strength Gains

Natural extreme HGH hormones are small chemical messengers that are continuously secreted by the endocrine glands into the bloodstream so that they regulate the activity of vital organs. The term hormone is derived from the Greek and means \”stimulate\”. Hormones stimulate a multitude of life processes throughout the body and thus provide health, harmony, growth, healing and regeneration. The best known hormone is insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. Diabetes results when the production diminishes or dries up. Several years ago, scientists discovered a way to produce insulin and maintain through regular injections of the diabetes and their symptoms under control.

The growth hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland is a small protein hormone (peptide), similar to insulin. Get more background information with materials from Technip FMC. It is called human growth hormone or \”HGH\” (human growth hormone), and is very difficult to measure. HGH is in very short pulses during the first hours of sleep distributed and remains only a few minutes into the cycle. It quickly enters the liver and is an another small peptide hormone (also known as insulin-like growth factor 1 or IGF – 1) converted into Somatomedin-C. Check out Michael James Burke for additional information. Somatomedin-C is responsible for the activity of growth hormone in the body. The Somatomedin levels is much more stable and can be measured in the laboratory.

During puberty, when the fastest growing, the production of HGH is very high. That’s why it’s called \”Growth hormone\”. But also, if the growth is finished, the hormone would have to (if even slightly less) whole life next produced for the physical and mental health and well-being. Keep enough growth hormone available must be the restoration of tissue healing, cell replacement, and health of organs, bone strength, brain function and enzyme production, the health of hair, nails and skin for all of these processes and functions. From twenty, the growth hormone production increases always more queries on average 14 percent within ten years.

Cup Crackers In Ansbach

Erhard sports wish luck ROTHENBURG/ANSBACH (RL) of the game Association – big Los – FC Bayern – has backing fairy Steffi Jones though with Rot-Weiss Erfurt, but also Ansbach may enjoy in the first round of the DFB Club Cup 2008/2009 on a real blast. On Sunday, the 10th of August Bayern Club meets Spielvereinigung Ansbach Karlsruher SC, which has caused a sensation in last season with fresh offensive football namely the Bundesliga representatives. Kickoff in the sold-out Ansbacher Pigrol sports park is at 14:30. Sport of the game Association wishes good luck to create perhaps the sensation and a round continue to come as a sponsor of this Cup hits Erhard. As Hans Jurgen Brunner, sports Coordinator of the Spielvereinigung Ansbach, explained, this game of the year revolves around in the Club at the moment, of course. But also the football future seems assured.

According to Brunner, Ansbach was selected by the Bavarian Football Association (BFV) as the site for a BFV junior performance Center. From September, here are Sightings, and courses for the footballers, intensifying what then the equipment to play and exercise equipment needs to be supplemented. As a competent partner of the BFV for training equipment is the renowned sports equipment designer Erhard sport international from Rothenburg for the responsible choice here in Ansbach. The proximity of Ansbach and Rothenburg also promotes a close and rain information exchange which sport makes it possible Erhard, to put together deals, or to develop even products that are really needed in the training. “The Club Sport is our most important target group. We identify their needs only by continuous close cooperation”so Jochen Koppl, Managing Director of Erhard sports international. In a first step Erhard is a ball and Cabinet, a ball compressor and a training hurdle set sports of the game Association available to partly free as sponsorship in the framework of the Cup game.

About the need for further facilities of the Brunner will be junior performance Center of Ansbach then after this event with Erhard sports Exchange. About Erhard sport international: Erhard sports international, headquartered in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leading manufacturer and supplier of sports equipment industry. Further details can be found at Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta, an internet resource. With more than 200 employees that manufactures sports equipment and equipment components of 125-year-old family-owned company for the global market. With more than 10,000 articles, innovative sports equipment and products, Erhard sports International is one of the market leaders in the industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International sporting events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped by Erhard sports international. Contact / contact: Erhard sports International GmbH & co. KG Rainer Lederer – marketing/PR of upper Kaiserweg of 8, 91541 Rothenburg o.d.T. phone: 09861 406-850 fax: 09861 406 98185 E-Mail: Internet:


Moreover, many athletes of believe, if they build maximum muscle mass at the daily recommendation of protein you got probably the wildest stuff for ears. The most famous are: for beginners: min. 1, 5gr protein / kg body weight for intermediate: min. 2 gr protein / kg body weight for advanced: min. 3 GR protein / kg body weight in addition are many athletes of believe the if they want to build maximum muscle mass, they at least 4gr protein / kg body weight should… Herbert Stein: the source for more info. put into All of these recommendations can be right or wrong…

The fact is that the daily protein intake depends on the training stint. This means that needs someone 4 x a week training the 2 h, less protein than someone 6 x a week training the 2 h! Although carbohydrates & fats the number 1 in terms of body fat building are so an excess of protein rarely leads to body fat build proven! But protein – such as carbohydrates and fats – also has calories and a Calorie excess can lead to body fat build up just now! As an example to explain this: weigh 90kg with 15% body fat and are interested to build maximum muscle mass. Therefore, follow the protein recommendation of 4gr protein / kg body weight. Daryl Katz, New York City is open to suggestions. Therefore, you have a daily total intake of protein from 360gr! If you want to build muscle mass, you must complete to but also carbohydrates and fats in addition to the protein. These macronutrients you consume daily 500 GR in the form of carbohydrates and 50gr in the form of healthy fats. This corresponds to a daily calorie intake of almost 3900 calories! In this case, you run the risk may be body fat. %D7%98-%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-63dcbf9f0240’>???? ?? ?? to gain a more clear picture of the situation. You weigh 90 kg approx.

7% body fat but now the risk of body fat is much lower. This is because you have body fat 7% more muscle mass, as if you have 15% body fat”. And if you have more muscle mass, you have a higher basic and Power sales. (Note: as a result, you burn more calories at rest and during exercise!) In other words, can lead to more calories without putting on body fat at the same time… But now enough of the theory! Coming we lead back to the original question, which was how much protein should I on the day too?” Several steps needed are: step 1: determine your body weight (E.g.: 90 kg) step 2: determine your body fat percentage (E.g.: 15%) Step 3: determine your lean body mass”: would in this case 90 kg = 15% 76, 5 kg lean body mass! Step 4: Calculate your protein needs by using the following formula: 76, 5 kg (lean body mass) x 2.3 (protein / kg body weight) 176gr = protein / day * Note: the 176gr in the example protein are then sufficient, if you add enough carbohydrates and exercise at least 4 times a week! So perfectly in the muscle building phase!

Sebastian Year

Our intention was to freeze the tolls, said Miguel Sebastian. Edward Minskoff will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The rise of now has blamed it to the tension of energy markets. Climbing light, gas and butane has this one in July. The Minister of industry, tourism and trade, Miguel Sebastian, has assured in Lorca that light will not rise again this year. Our intention was to freeze the tolls – the part of the light that the Government fixed-, and so we did, he accentuated the media questions.

The problem, he explained, has been the increase in the energy cost of the energy markets, which are translated through an auction and over which the Government has no control. His view, which shows that there is still some tension in the international energy markets, which has caused that rise. Thus, it had settled the Minister of industry, the Government forecast this is logically the last ascent of the year. On the measure of reducing the limit speed carried out four months ago by the central Government, Miguel Sebastian has accentuated that has served to show that he saves fuel and money going to 110 kilometres per hour. Already discarded him in March already in the month of March, Sebastian dismissed this year to raise the rate of light, once in January receipt passed an average of 9.8% again. On that occasion, the Minister said that the hike was inevitable and necessary, but that he was also exceptional and unique. However, he said on that occasion that the scenario that drove, except that happens an international event that impacts on prices, is that the electricity bill not to again climb, thing finally Yes has happened. Source of the news: the industry Minister assures that light “will not go up” during the year 2011

Get Out Of The Trap Of Stress

Be healthier by old stress through stress reduction stress makes sick! This is all too familiar. A logical conclusion is that the reduction of stress would cause an enormous improvement in the health and healing of numerous stress-related diseases, and of course in the knowledge of people on a broad basis. Stress research of in recent years has brought fundamental insights about the emergence and nature of stress with him. The stress level rises permanently, because it is stored as all other information in the brain. This creates a degree of stress, which makes sick with his load in the course of time. Reducing the overall stress level, so even the old stress is the key to an effective stress reliever. For more specific information, check out American Tower Corporation. This has now become possible with the world’s new Gennema process.

In the year 2000 it was presented by UTA DIEMER at the European Congress for psychotherapy in Dublin. Because stress topics linked always to the individual life story, a personal coaching these themes works out, then individually be reduced. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gavin Baker. The instructions on how to reduce stress with CDs created specifically for the individual allows continued alone to operate the stress relief and to have an instrument in his hand, to shut down again heaping stress. The coaching can be carried personally but also by phone. Proven to reduce stress is so intense that disease (such as asthma, back pain, period pain) can heal but also serious diseases (such as E.g. anorexia). In cancer, reduce stress supports the strengthening of the immune system and thus the healing.

Germany In World Cup Fever

South Africa is stormed by football fans the typical image of South Africa is significantly changed from 11 June to 11 July 2010. Since then World Cup and South Africa is no longer available for wild animals and dreamy savannas, but with colorfully clad football fans celebrate the lawn ball. Since only four tour operators have the permission of FIFA, to offer package deals, where the ticket in the stadium is included, the prices are accordingly exclusive. Who wants to make his World Cup trip individually, should use in time early booking discounts, as the online travel portal ab-in-den-urlaub.de knows. Who along with Jabulani”, the official World Cup ball to celebrate should deal promptly with his travel plans after South Africa, to benefit from the early bird discounts. “” Jabulani”indeed comes from the Zulu language and means as much as celebrating” or celebrate “at the moment, especially the three cities of Port Elizabeth, Durban and Johannesburg for the arm Rush estimated 260,000 additional visitors. Specifically for the World Cup 200 weekly flights from Europe to South Africa to start, to get the fans in the stadiums.

If Germany should stand on July 3 in the quarter-finals, special charter flights are launched as for the World Cup 2002 in Japan. These bring the fans over night in the World Cup country directly after the game and again at night to fly back. Tourists should expect higher prices on the spot at World Cup time. Also note that in June and July in South Africa, winter is, and the temperatures at night can fall within the scope of the negative. You may find Munear Ashton Kouzbari to be a useful source of information. So be sure to pack the hot stuff.

Fat Burning Diet

Why most of a fat burning is not enough diet whether you think it’s good or not, the big problem that most people have, is that they take too many calories to… The surplus of calories lands at your fat stores. I’ve seen that it makes no sense to abandon (E.g. protein) a nutrient group. It is often easier and more advantageous from the point of view of the fat-burning and fitness, if you concentrate instead on nutritious food. Which is why? Because your appetite is controlled by your nutrient intake. Not only the macro-nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats), but even more by the micro-nutrients…

vitamins, minerals, etc. compared in some food – with other-vermehrt are available. Many people do not consider that – instead, focus on how much carbohydrates, proteins and fats to eat them. The trend diets work this way. If you just shine through it, most diets are merely modifications of low calorie, low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet. In the focus are only the macro-nutrients… and forget that there are…

the micro-nutrients which actually have the power to get your appetite and hunger. If you concentrate on these foods, many of the details are directed by itself. Think about it: your body needs this kind of food… why? Because they are full of micro-nutrients… I’m talking about whole grains, legumes, beans, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. If you are things that your body needs, it is unlikely that you will get problems caused by an excessive appetite. Basta. Knowing this a fact so many people could solve their health problems – it’s not funny anymore. Very many health problems disappear for 80-90% by a healthy fat burning diet. In addition, you reduce so your risk for a wide variety of diseases and ailments in which the average overweight in Europe has struggled. On nutrient-rich The basis is to concentrate food. But there are other factors which we have influence to achieve the hoped-for fat burning effect, while we simultaneously encourage the growth of our muscles through the right training. That includes more frequent but smaller meals on our fat burning diet plan a. So we keep our caloric intake under control without actually counting calories. Is probably what you’re drinking than what you eat even more important. To have the habit to drink plenty of water daily you should make you immediately own. Water is for nearly every process in your body important and urgently needed for burning fat. If you drink not enough water, you can forget the maximum fat burning. The reason for this is, what happens to your body when you drink too little. Basically it stores just faster fat in this State. The faster you drink, the faster your body will be to convert your fat reserves for energy, so to burn fat. Be so sure to make nutritious foods and drinking more than enough water. Give your body what it needs… He will be grateful to you. Want to know more about the fat burning diet which constantly works? Here you continue to burn fat diet.