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Abdias Senator Birth

The article 1 of the Convention defines the racial discrimination as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin, that have the intention or the effect of annulling or harming the basic recognition, joy or exercise in foot of equality of the human rights and freedoms. Exactly with this definition it has who affirms that in our country they do not exist racism, preconceptions and discriminations. Such affirmations take in them to reflect on facts that daily come bringing as consequence the exclusion of great parcel of the Brazilian society of the cultural goods and social as well as truily it moves away in them from the society ideal. Abdias Senator Birth thus affirmed in its justification to the project of law to the Senate n. 52, of 1997, where he intended to define as crime practical of racism and the discrimination and, at the same time, to discipline the practical one of instruments of Affirmative action: Although it likes if autoproclamar one? racial democracy? , Brazil is far from being the paradise of the racial relations that the official speech still teima in presenting. With effect, carried through quantitative research in the last few decades has disclosed to a reality of inaqualities and discrimination at least so serious how much? frequently worse that? of countries as the United States and the South Africa, recognized for all as negative examples in this field of relations human beings (www6.senado.gov.br) Currently the crime of racism in Brazil is unbailable and imprescriptible, however in the distance between the so coarse Law and its applicability he is something that the Article Fifth of the Universal Declaration them Right Human beings and seems something unattachable, that is, ' ' the recognition and the equality before the Lei' ' , or still ' ' the effective and joust repairing before the Law, ' ' of Articles Sixth and Seventh.

It fits, then asking in them until where the cited rights are really universal? Or still, the preamble of the Constitution wrote who it was some parnasiano? REFERENCE GOMES, Nilma Lino. Education, Black Identity and Formation of Professores/as: Olhar On the Black Body and the Crespo Hair. GOMES, Nilma Lino. Education, Black Identity and Formation of Professores/as: Olhar On the Black Body and the Crespo Hair. RASP, Martian Ivaldo of France.

Education of the History of Africa in Brazil: Ways and Embezzlements of one Fight Against Guarded Racism. Magazine New Ideas, v-1. 2008. PIOVESAN, Flavia. Affirmative actions of the Perspectives of the Human Rights. Notebooks of Research, vol. 35, p 43-55. 2005. Affirmative education and actions: between the symbolic injustice and the economic injustice. BRASILIA? DF- 2003.