Tag: the present time

Guest House Centers

The evolution of the labor world has brought with himself changes in the form to work. The work passes to be but a mental activity that physical. This change in the work forms can be declared of very diverse ways; a greater specialization of the hotel trade workers, repetitive work, majors working cycles, imprecision of the jobs, multiplicity of functions, intensity of the service load etc. Read more from Daryl Katz to gain a more clear picture of the situation. To all this it is necessary to add to the generalization of new forms of organization of the work like sub-contracting or externalisation that the relations of work with superiors and subordinates of the hotel trade centers make more complex. All this causes that every time we concentrate but in studies and related to the physical but psycho-social health not only of the workers.hosteleriamadrid.com We published the study and the guide who we presented/displayed month of December the past. Detection and identification of the variables: demands/organizational resources and demands resources individual Guide of good psycho-social practices in the Sector of HostelerEsperamos is of your interest..