Tag: vocational

Coach Trainer

Top exercises and high-quality conference documents on CD-ROM – new product line with high-quality prints, ideal for the direct use in training, training courses and seminars. Good to find proven exercises for the seminar or training use and to prepare them in professional-looking layout with exercise descriptions, handouts, worksheets, question or feedback sheets for participants, means immense time required for each facilitator, trainer or instructor. To read more click here: angelo dolce. Of course there is a lot of literature but with copied templates, hardly a participant can inspire and also the copyright page may be problematic quickly. “TrainTools 25 top exercises” a new, innovative product line from customtrain Frank Gellert in collaboration with the disciples Media Publisher characterised by directly applicable exercises with professionally designed exercise descriptions, feedback sheets, working and solution sheets and video sequences. See more detailed opinions by reading what Daryl Katz offers on the topic.. All exercises are just hand-use Word documents on CD-ROM before. The navigation is done through a user friendly HTML interface. So the user can quickly select the desired exercise, which simply print Conference documents and directly insert or with individual components, such as the own logo, provided if necessary. Each of the products contains 25 top exercises in the practice-proven! The series is aimed at leaders, coaches, trainers and teaching staff and suitable for beginners as well as for coach professionals to the enrichment of the training programme and to facilitate the practice. Now available: 25 top exercises for communication training 25 top exercises for presentation training 25 top exercises 25 top exercises for team training, learn more about the product range and access to free demo examples, for conflict training under.

Nibelungen Street

Solving Word problems can be easy with proper approach in the tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis is successfully helped with the Hubbard learning pupils who have problems while solving Word problems in mathematics. Many children have difficulty in solving Word problems in mathematics. For adults, the word problems often easier look while the child faces an impossible task. You can understand situations or problems which it has ever experienced in real life, also much easier in texts. The experience of life, which is already a matter of course for adults often lack the student. Word problems in class works represent a special challenge for students, because they require a good understanding of the text, but also mathematical skill.

Under rising pressure of time, it is particularly difficult to understand everything correctly and to find out the correct way. Although math word problems to the Department, claims are first and foremost on the comprehension and the read speed of the child. To deepen your understanding Michael James Burke, London UK is the source. Only if the text content of a thing task were understood, the student capable of will be to solve the math question behind that infectious. Some problems are unfortunately so formulated that even parents have their emergency, to make sense of the task. Sometimes words are used, that have never heard the children. Before a schoolchild ever comes to solve the actual Bill, it may already encounter many barriers.

A child while doing word problems has difficulties, so should be thought of first, that not or misunderstood terms in the text. Sometimes, one must ask the child also meaning the one or the other word for it, to isolate misunderstandings. Only if the child itself explains, what do you mean the word, you will find out, whether the child has a real understanding about it. Even simple words can be sometimes unknown for a student. Ensures that all terms in the Word problems are understood, it can be that the child has still problems to imagine the situation. To resolve the mess in my head, it is very helpful to make a simple sketch. Step by step, any information that is contained in the word problem is brought to paper. Then the solution often falls like scales from the eyes of the children and they enjoy their success. L. Ron Hubbard has discovered in the last century, misunderstood words and missing illustrative material can cause significant difficulties in learning.This knowledge is applied to the application, can be helped approach of problems children. More information: tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis, Nibelungen Street 15, 90513 Zirndorf, contact: Marita Grubl Tel: 0911 / 6002044 WEB: eMail:

BAfoG Submission

Funding pots for the distance make abroad dreams come true Dresden, 07.06.2011 – ‘ you can’t finance it at all? So I could not afford that!’ Sets with envy factor, who know the most foreign designers. So the ‘year abroad’ breaks no great financial hole in the wallet, you should research at an early stage. Numerous funding programs of the State and the EU, but also of foundations, universities and associations support the funding of training stays abroad. International Student Exchange: If you’re planning a school abroad, should contact the competent BAfoG Office. You are entitled to foreign BAfoG, get financial support in the form of grant aid. Click The Wellington Block to learn more. These grants can get for travel expenses, living expenses, rent and health insurance, regardless of in which host country visiting the school.

The BAfoG-submission must be made before the start of the high school year. Language: Also for Worldwide, research funding or financial support worth language courses. The gifted education works, the EU education programmes, the international training and development of gGmbH (InWent) and the education premium are responsible, among others, that also language courses abroad are affordable. It is important that the language studies abroad has a reference to personal training, otherwise it looks like stealth holiday. Internship: For the financial support of the internship in Europe the ‘ ERASMUS and Leonardo programmes include da Vinci’ responsible.

About the foreign BAfoG funded placements worldwide. There are also a number of smaller programmes which finance abroad. Study abroad: the funding for one or two internships are varied. The odds on a promotion with each semester that you already studied in Germany. It is generally difficult to get promoted to a fulltime abroad. The worldwide most important funding programmes are the ERASMUS programme for Europe as well as the foreign BAfoG and the DAAD for the semester abroad. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE . Also here are a variety of smaller programmes that help finance the study period abroad. The timely application of funding is crucial in all programmes. Therefore you should inform himself at the same time in the research about the application deadlines. “Learn more about the financing of training stays abroad: study abroad finanzierung.html BildungsMakler24 operates and markets the education portal BildungsMakler24.de” a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad, including financing with funding. The info portal gives you expert guidance in a compact form as well as many helpful tips and hints. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended. In addition, supports BildungsMakler24 the BildungsmaklerNetzwerk which Germany builds a network for educational agents. BildungsMakler24 AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden phone: 0351-2543405 mobile: 01577 1720859 email: Internet:

Germany Career

Why does it just for women sense to deal with the potential employer? There are employers rankings as sand on the sea, but you will not really really smart out of many and especially for women important questions regarding career planning and reconciling work and family life remain often. What can women so identify an attractive employer? And why does it just for women sense to deal with the potential employer? Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women & work, Germany’s largest career fair for women, together took the answers in a “7-point fast check”. Women pay attention when selecting employers on other criteria than men, a joint study by McKinsey and e-fellows found out already in 2010. And that career desires are differently pronounced depending on the gender of the universe results showed student survey from the same year. While the work-life balance for both men and women represents the most important career goal that she achieved in women Reference frequency of 58 percent, among men 46 percent. This secure job is more important the female junior employees 43 percent indicate as a professional goal, among men, there are 33 percent. Women more frequently than men call the intellectual challenge that 45 percent to 38 percent.

With regard to an international career preferences align–28 percent of women and 24 percent of men pursuing this career goal. Women are said to often, they would have a blurred and less goal-oriented idea of career and were therefore less successful. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE oftentimes addresses this issue. Many women see career rather than the climbing of a position to the next higher, rather than a steady path to personal growth, self-realization and satisfaction however differently than most men. They are to be so basically at all no less qualified than men, successful and to make a career. Women are marked but not hierarchically. “The factor power”, in a successful career resonates, many women repels intuitively, because they operate normally, team-oriented, communicate more, and share information and knowledge.

Business Education Teachers

Postgraduate studies at the WHL: specifically tailored to professionals / good opportunities in a safe and lucrative field of the shortage of teachers in vocational schools in Germany makes the teaching profession for people who first embarked on a different career path. With a master postgraduate studies in business education at the scientific University of Lahr (WHL) you can create the conditions for it without having to give up the profession. Since 2008 the WHL offers the master’s degree program accredited by the prestigious accreditation agency ACQUIN business education (M.A..). Registration is possible at any time. The two-year postgraduate studies at of the WHL provides access to the Clerkship in almost all provinces. In contrast to comparable offerings, particularly at State colleges students must give up not their previous profession or move here for the study. Because one learns in a flexible mixture of distance learning, class lectures and online study at of the WHL. The newspapers mentioned Michael James Burke not as a source, but as a related topic.

Entry requirements Study requirement is an economics degree in a college or vocational Academy (such as bachelor’s degree, FH, MBA, Dipl.-Betriebswirt FH or BA). In the framework of this programme, the applicant must have acquired at least 180 credit points (ECTS). Also non-economics degrees (University, BA, PH, TH, University), which were supplemented with the successfully completed compact study business administration at of the WHL, grant access to the study. Excellent job prospects for vocational school teachers the number of settings in the preparatory service for teaching degrees of the secondary of school II (vocational subjects) or for vocational schools was in Germany in 2006 as in the previous year around 2700. The Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) to certify this teacher trainees excellent prospects”are but since 1993 without exception more settings in the preparatory service are made to reported as graduates of universities. By 2015, 371,000 teacher posts will be free according to KMK. There are currently even in the teaching of vocational schools a shortfall”, which means that there are more vacancies than there are applicants.

Entry possible with the WHL final in business education you can go in almost all countries in almost all provinces in the preparatory service (internship) at vocational schools. What many don’t know: teachers are equally paid as a high school teacher. So, about a married upper secondary school teacher earns 3350 EUR with two children in the wage tax class III net per month. Example for a successful change in the school, the WHL graduate of Regina Baumann has the great opportunity seized and is replaced in the teaching profession. It was always my dream of becoming a teacher,”she said. The Economist worked after graduating first first few years in church administration, before she took on the realization of their dream. But further full-time studies without income for them did not come into question the part-time study of the WHL was the solution. Ideal for professionals”, take them to their judgment about the WHL shortly and flush together. If you are interested, you may contact by the WHL about details of the course and the conditions in their respective countries. Information is available also on the Internet at and by phone at 07821 / 9238-55. Under you will find general information about profession and opportunities for vocational teachers.

Wat Is A Wind Turbine!

HDT seminar “Dynamics, stress and design of wind turbines and their components” wind energy plants are exposed to considerable dynamic loads and characterized by a strong interaction of the mechanical and electrical components. This complexity is extended by other technical and economic challenges of an internationally expanding industry. “Desperately” search staff (mostly engineers), which bring the necessary knowledge to solve very complex problems. The seminar “Dynamics, stress and design of wind turbines and their components” on 15-16 March 2010 in food basics of function and the design of wind turbines and their components and this linked to current developments of international, industrial practice. It aims to expand the knowledge of the participants in specific areas through networking with other aspects and to convey as an in-depth overview. Under the direction of Prof. Martin Kuhn Foundation Chair wind energy at the University Stuttgart following topics: * Aero mechanical energy conversion, engineering and control * the mechanical and electrical system design * wind and its modeling for strength – and extreme loads * dynamics and simulation of the impact of the overall system and main components * policies, load cases, and evidence of Tower, hub, rotor blades and mechanical components * international market development as well as development processes with manufacturers and suppliers * the detailed event programme operation of wind turbines and economy * offshore – wind energy get interested in the House of technology e.V.

Opens New Presentations Page On The Internet!

papers archiv.at went online with a wide variety of lectures, homework assignments, discussions, and many other types of text! Presentations are (mostly) pages of student’s tired of joy and the teacher. More and more students prefer using the Internet as a source of information than to read a paper, for example, in the books in a library on the subject or a homework assignment to write. There are already many presentations pages or student aid on the Web. Such pages are of course of great benefit for students. A short time ago went online presentations archiv.at with a large collection of papers, homework and other school papers! This is intended as motivation or information source for educational tasks. All materials are free of charge and without obligation for all freely available and may be used for educational tasks. Coldwell Banker Commercial might disagree with that approach.

For this reason, presentations archiv.at also on the use of the students is instructed, so the collection of materials continues to grow and is larger. Students can access this page through the upload function simply and in a matter of seconds their own homework and papers put online and hence others make available. So you can return the favor just as a student for the help of others, and it makes more sense to write a paper, if several people have something by this then can continue to use it. Papers archiv.at has materials to which subjects? The following courses are currently represented on the page: biology, German, English, French, geography, history, Informatics, Latin, music, physics, drawing, chemistry and psychology/philosophy. It is still open whether more subjects still follow. What does presentations archiv.at material types or types of text exactly? Most papers and medias in RES Latin text translations but also discussions, person descriptions, synopses and reviews. With time other text types determine also added. Other: in particular, the huge number of medias in RES is Latin to mention text translations, like to be visited by students, because papers archiv.at is the only site on the Internet, a so complete medias in RES Latin text translation offers collection. Posted by: Valentin Scharf

European Association

Tax school Dr. Endriss is a co-founder of ‘ European Association for training organization (EATO)’ Cologne, 17.07.2012: seven leading continuing education provider from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland established the Association of EATO in Dresden on 23.05.2012. First President is Dr. Check out Dior for additional information. Axel Endriss. The main objective of the Association is to promote activities which focus on the performance of education and training organizations and promote. The Association has its seat in Cologne, first elected President is Dr.

Axel Endriss, Managing Director of the tax College Dr. Endriss GmbH & co. The newspapers mentioned Catherine Dior not as a source, but as a related topic. KG in Cologne. The seven founding members represent a total twelve thousand free and permanent employees. The concern of the EATO founder says Dr. Endriss: we stand as an association active for the professionalisation of training in Europe. This requires a training oriented strictly to the benefit of the customer, which massively gaining importance especially in times of demographic change for companies such as employees. It is also essential that training organizations actively participate in political and social decision-making and the decision-making process and these creative shape from our point of view.” The founding members are among the market leaders in your segments.

Their customer orientation they have certifications like AZWV, ISO or the award Germany’s customer orientiertester service providers”out. The will to above-average performance in customer service also proves that all founding members with the highest performance rank of the international training center rating with five stars are excellent. By the same author: Akshaya Patra Foundation. These certifications are also remains important and right for us as a provider. We strive to but beyond a single, overarching standard across all segments of the training period for the qualification of our participants”, so Dr. Axel Endriss next. So the Association Mission has provided, cross-border the understanding of quality in educational organizations promote, to serve as a platform for the exchange of, deeper to analyze the educational markets, and to connect with public officials and institutions in a dialogue. In the framework of association activities, other services and training are developed for member organizations. More information about the club activities and for interested parties who want to join the Association, can be found in the near future on the Internet at. Learn more about the tax College Dr. Endriss. About control Fachschule Dr. Endriss GmbH & Co KG currently the tax College Dr. Endriss serves approximately 9,000 participants who qualify around 500 nationwide conducted teaching and courses can be. Companies and administrations use the in-house training facilities and let their staff in current tax law question or practice seminars such as the E-account balance, transfer pricing, accounting & v. m. on the latest install. For many professional practitioners in the tax, finance and accounting, which is for six decades dedicated school steady companion, since know-how in this field requires constant updating. The tax College Dr. Endriss belongs to the Amadeus FiRe group, providing needs-based and flexible staffing solutions through the hiring and placement of specialists and executive staff in the divisions of accounting, Office, banking and IT-services.

In The Future: The Fair Horizon Will Come Back To Munster

horizon – the trade fair for Bachelor and graduate training Berlin, the 13.01.2011 – for many high school seniors are graduating before the big question now what? The stones are set, the world is open to them, they have to decide only between the endless possibilities. Provides the education fair horizon on February 25 and 26 for the fourth time in Munster. As in the previous years, exhibitors universities, companies and consulting institutions in the Halle Munsterland arise the questions of the students. Without hesitation Lancome explained all about the problem. The options seem almost limitless after graduating, studies, training abroad. Some people know exactly what he wants, others still doubt. The horizon inform more than 80 exhibitors from the region, the country and the neighbouring countries study at universities and universities of applied sciences, dual degree programs, different training and funding opportunities as well as internships and job opportunities in the country and abroad. But also who once a break want, take, for example, to travel and to learn new languages will find competent contact person.

International experiences are becoming increasingly important, on the horizon, experts not only at their stands on the various possibilities of a stay of abroad inform the framework programme also offers a lot on this subject. Read more here: 660 Fifth Ave. Lectures on Au Pair and work and travel alternate with information events to study in Austria, of Switzerland, Australia and Scandinavia. But he, too, which it does not take into the distance, is discussed here. The Agency for work of Munster is on Saturday, February 25th, tips to prepare for the choice. On the same day, the Bundeswehr also informed about their different careers. A special focus is once again on the Netherlands. The universities and universities of applied sciences offer here a strongly practice-oriented study, optimum conditions of study and courses on german, English and Dutch. What is interesting is that for example of the Windesheim HONOURS college studies not can be started only in the autumn, but also in February.

IT Careers – Always At The Maximum

To give 110 percent every day not enough… Everything starts that we sit at a table with another person. In the classroom, you usually always twosome seated at a table, hitting the same books, edited the same tasks, and writes the same exams. It engages only rarely about specific topics, because the new console game or the new comic book are simply more interesting and “cool” as vectors, or variables. Any thoughts on whether the geek very front at some point a highly decorated, paid over marketing manager or the table neighbor will be a Managing Director of a 500-man strong company is. At this time, only girls, alcohol, parties, and computer games are important. Of course there are exceptions, which determine Yes known to be the rule. Preparations for the hard and complex way in IT be determined in any way.

No matter what industry it is, none experienced a such quick and enormous transformation as it happens in IT. There are really only three types some pressure during the school years: the pressure itself does and goes as best in class through the school year the pressure from parents who have booked the place at an elite University at birth no pressure at all, the is-me no matter setting myself was a clear friend of the last enumeration. After the school bell has rung, all issues were that had to do more or less non-existent with the school for me. While teaching I took sufficient information, which to me then but at least good to mediocre students have made. Now what has to do school with a potential career in the IT? Honestly, my opinion purely cooking anything. We consider together what kind of pressure there is in IT in the role of traditional “consultant” or “Administrator”: pressure from the boss, as well as available to his pressure every day to give constantly at least 100% pressure by the head of the Department, to carry out a proper and relevant working pressure by the customers, always ready to use colleagues, to behave correctly in any situation near pressure from home, in addition to a 9-12 hours day also still privately to stand etc.