Tag: women

Pregnancy Reiki REIKI

It is most common that is experienced during treatment is a feeling of peace and relaxation, often combined with a pleasant sense of security and be enveloped by a faint wave of energy. But even this is not experiencing all the times. When someone is treated with Reiki, it is brought back to a State of unification with the harmony of the universe. This harmony, which is capable of reaching the lesser of their cells, again full and healthy again, thereby boosting the patient’s natural ability to heal itself. REIKI is both powerful and gentle. Often, when energy levels are low or blocked, the immune system is weakened and is more susceptible to the disease.REIKI energized customer on several levels at the same time: in the physical plane through the warmth of your hands on the mental plane through thoughts or symbols of REIKI at the emotional level to trave s of love that flows inside in the energy field through the presence of the person who initiated it, as well as the power of REIKI itself. REIKI can help relieve pain and disease, we can cite problems of skin, flu, fatigue of back pain and headaches.

REIKI supports in his own body to heal itself and strengthens the immune system to help the body to fight disease more easily. REIKI helps to help the body restore physical balance through the Elimination of blockages. Limpiea the body of the toxins that have been stored. EMOTIONAL REIKI encourages the examination of his emotional life, releasing negative emotions picking up the positive as love, and confidence in himself.REIKI flows to where it needed for a healthy, balanced and natural way. Imbalances can be caused by many situations that occur in our lives, such as: emotional / physical trauma negative thoughts and feelings such as fear, anxiety, concern, doubt or anger. Nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle or poor labour relations. Auto-negligencia and lack of love by itself or towards other MENTAL REIKI can affect our thoughts and attitudes as a result of the stress and tension.

REIKI can improve one’s intuitive ability and encouraged him to follow his path chosen with greater vision and consciousness, if you choose to allow this to happen. SPIRITUAL practice REIKI or receiving a treatment their capacity to love grows both to others and himself.REIKI principles include love, compassion and understanding. SELF-help as all the treatments, so that the experience of Reiki healing can have long-lasting results the customer must accept the responsibility of your healing and take part actively in it. REIKI and pregnancy receive Reiki during pregnancy is beneficial for the pregnant woman and the baby that is being developed. Vital energy helps the baby’s healthy growth in physical and emotional aspect. Babies who have received Reiki being in the womb of the mother are more quiet and balanced emotionally. Reiki helps to develop the birth with more naturalness and fluency. When the mother gives Reiki to your baby, the connection that exists between them during pregnancy is wonderful.

The Disappearance

Live the crisis of shortage (for pollution) of the air and water, of scarcity (limits) of minerals and energy, loss of soils (boundaries) that need a time, no minimum, geomorphological (geological), to form, elements (air, water, fire, Earth) that were given and which Western and westernized culture estimated to be able to ignore. The greenhouse effect, the hole in the ozone layer, global climate change, toxic waste, in addition to the garbage that we ourselves generate daily, are the clearest signs of these limits imposed on a global scale. It is not a culture or people who endanger their very existence. The globalization of rationality, driven by the economic logic, leads inexorably to an economy that ignores that it is embedded in the ground, in the air, in the water, on the ground, in the subsoil (minerals), in the life cycles of food chains of carbon, oxygen all humanity, in an unequal manner, is subject to the risks arising from actions decided by some for the benefit of some. The struggle for the appropriation of biodiversity, for the enjoyment of its benefits has clearly pointed out the interests between Nations. The rationality of the market and sustainable development is evident in the re-appropriation to maintain, increase and enjoy greater worldly goods biological and Cultural diversity. Being biodiversity understood as the sum total of living beings that exist on Earth, the result of millions of years of evolution.

Where the human species and their cultures have emerged from its adaptations of his knowledge of their use. Biodiversity has two inseparable dimensions; the biological and cultural. Therefore a property of cultural and living beings which makes them unique and different. 50 To 80% of the world’s biodiversity is located in tropical countries, (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Zaire, Madagascar and Indonesia), those who have suffered in the past 100 years, immense losses of tropical rainforests and the disappearance of its indigenous population to the rhythm of a tribe each year. .