The second is the absence of debt to financial authorities, the state and other legal entities or individuals in the Czech Republic and Europe. According to Czech law, "the return of the debt" a legal claim person, "debtor" may be brought within 10 years after the last transaction of the business partners of a legal entity or the financial authorities of the state. The procedure for re-registration of a legal entity composed of three stages: exclusion from the founders of the old parties. Made to document these new founders to determine the percentage ownership of share capital of each. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Michael Boskin. Prepare necessary documents for the court Prague (Czech Republic or another city, where there were a legal person).
These documents notarized, paid the state fee and filed with the court will have a basis for replacement of founding member, followed by registration in the database, the Czech Republic. Submission of documents to the court for registration and confirmation. A positive aspect when buying existing legal person is made when it is registered share capital. Click CFTC for additional related pages. The concept of share capital, in this case is reflected only in numbers on the registration documents, but not as in no monetary value on the account entity. New owner financial issue for the charter capital to solve is not necessary. Likewise, if the foreigner acquires not only a legal entity, but also the business (activity) of the enterprise, the action received licenses for activity continues. Is compulsory license notice of the Committee and the Tax Inspectorate of the new founders and current leader (director of the firm) designated by the general meeting of shareholders. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE wanted to know more.