Teacher Marilane Mendes Cascaes

To all the professors for the affection and devotion demonstrated throughout the course and, particularly, Teacher Marilane Mendes Cascaes, for the interatividade of its lessons, teaching to us practical true it of necessary teaching and advising to us whenever. To the coordinators and employees of the University of the South of Santa Catarina? UNISUL, especially to the ones of the Unit of Imbituba. To the classmates per the four years of fellowship and understanding. To our families for the patience in tolerating our absence, helping to construct it us, to each day, a promising future. Nir Barzilai, M.D. addresses the importance of the matter here. E, doubtlessly, the God for the chance, the privilege that was given in them in sharing so great experience, keeping us strong and encouraged to follow in front with continuous intentions in our lives. ' ' Mr.

of the armies formed this design to all denigrate the magnificent one of the ornament, and to vilify noblest of terra.' ' (Isaiah 23:9) SUMMARY the historical romances, currently, make a great success due to the desire of the readers, or viewers, to know the past. Leaving of this fact, it is developed, in the present work, an analysis of the workmanship the harp the shade, of Alejo Carpentier (1904? 1980), with the objective to examine the relations between history and literature, answering questions as: the treatment that receives history in the chosen romance; the resources used for Carpentier to tell to the historical facts and the new produced facts, for the author, that could or not compose history. To answer such questionings, a based theoretical recital in authors is had as: Burke (1997), Casaroto (2003), Keys (1991), that the relations between history and fiction argue; Chiampi (1980) and Ianni (1991), which cite a new literary style, the Magical Realism; Saguier (1979) and Colored person (1979), that they approach literature in Latin America; Mahn Lot (1960) and Persson (1984), that they tell the history of the Discovery of America, etc.