The Mud Witch – A New Pond Sludge Vacuum Cleaner

Ponds are free of mud and algae the problem is not new. The lovingly landscaped grounds or swimming pond is always unansehnlicher with the time. Reason for that are leaves, mud and species genus of algae that settle on the ground and stick to the surface. Who is home to fish in its waters, notes soon, that the small friends leave their traces on the bottom of the pond. Gradually use then biological processes, providing a turbidity or staining of the water. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Credit Union. What should be done now? Let’s start with the simpler task: the turbidity of the water is to be combated. For this purpose, there are different methods of filtering.

Sand filters, foam filter, or something more elaborate in the complex but absolutely naturally and maintenance-free a separate filter pond. These solutions, optimal way provide in connection with a UV discharge Kale lamp, quickly clear view down to the floor. Thus the mud at the bottom of the water is of course not gone. He is just more visible than before the Filtering. Now the question is: How do we get the junk out of the pond located? There are also various interchangeable solutions on the market.

As a low-cost solution, there are garden pumps, with which the dirt through a hose to a telescopic pole is extracted and then held back over different filter systems. Advantage of these systems the low procurement costs. Disadvantage is the elaborate REInigung / processing of the filter systems. The next group of the pond vacuum cleaner are systems that come close by the construction an industrial vacuum cleaner. \”The water is gesaugt by low pressure (such as in vacuum) to the reservoir and then through a filter bag or behind the hedge\” drained again. Depending on the system the ReiniGung is carried out continuously or for cheaper models in alternating suction and discharge phases of approximately 20 seconds.