Eng. Mario Holguin No doubt that road safety should be a basic item on the agendas of Governments. There are reasons more than enough to be considered as such by the ravages that cause violence in the streets and roads in organized societies. The indicators that we scarcely process in the Dominican Republic are insufficient, with the quality and quantity of the required information, which translates into an institutional weakness which we must overcome. However, the global and regional analyses reveal the high risk that exists in the transit and ground transportation for the survival of the road users and the economies of the Nations. While human factors constitute major risks, according to the statistics, not least is true that should be review and work also in regards to the road infrastructure, environment and with regard to motor vehicles. The fact of identifying many critical points in our road network is a determinant indicator to put through special attention security audits.
But likewise, courageous decisions should be taken to regulate conditions for vehicles, which is the second leading cause of risk in transit incidents. Near two thousand fatal victims are recorded annually in the national territory, and round in equal amounts the injured by the same cause. We do not have a mechanism to assess the conditions in which are the affected environment of those victims or follow-up to those affected by injuries before 30 days, resulting in the institutionally weak country. The lack of an Observatory of data, a strategic road safety, even more dangerous comprehensive plan, the non-existence of a leading institution in the sector that run these plans, evidence the State of unconsciousness of our society. We speak in these terms, because preserving the life of citizens, their health and their property is a prerogative of the human rights, but also, to ensure the free transit of persons, their education and social equity referred to in the achievements of civilization.
Thousands of families impoverished by transit incidents. Greenhouses gases and noises out of proportion by the improper circulation of vehicles involved in quality of life adversely. If we look at the huge losses caused by the many factors that require the implementation of a good strategic plan, we would give us account of the enormous advantages of savings in the national budget. The annual cost of the national road insecurity estimated that it represents around 15% of the budget and public spending bill today. Per 9 inhabitants in Dominican Republic there is a motorcycle, which transits without respecting rules or regulations. What brings as a consequence about 70% of the fatalities on the tracks. From the global point of view of our vehicle field, there is a motor vehicle per 4 inhabitants. But crucially, elders involved in accidents are users of motorcycles and pedestrians. There is not a driver’s education policy. Nor, controlling the growth of the Park motorized two-Wheeler. Many writers such as Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta offer more in-depth analysis. Without glimpse solution so far, where we walk with such a growing accident rate?