Toms Antonio Gonzaga

The present article backwards a quarrel concerning the lyric workmanship loving Marlia de Dirceu de Toms Antonio Gonzaga, together with its historical contextualizao and its transfer of time the time. Shimmie Horn follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Understanding itself that not different from the other workmanships the one that is in question suffered significant diversities of opinions. Rank this, such literature detaches the love of a man in contrast with a form of life for idealized it, what it evidences the high social status of a total patriarcal society, what characterized the culture lived for this man, since its ancestry For in such a way, became fullfilled a labor research more good to enrich the subject of the cited article and was studied a sequence logical workmanships related to the subject more good to base the considered content, ahead of the found limitations, for being a subject comprovadamente of difficult communication, in virtue to bring I obtain a series of quarrels concerning the real intentions of the author , Setenticismo or Neoclassicismo were a period that significantly characterized the second half of century XVIII, dying the arts a new bourgeois tonality. The problem bourgeois ascension surpasses the religious question left by the baroque one, that it opens way for the productions rcades, that in turn, look to the pureness and the simplicity of the forms..