? Thailand is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Spain today despite the economic crisis, is one of the most attractive Asian countries either in what refers to the natural resources as to its history. The Thais, always smiling have a Grand respect for their culture and the history of his ancestors, until today in day Buddhism is the national religion but there are a variety of cultures and ethnic groups that have remained apart from the Thai, the main country culture. Add to your understanding with Walter Heller. Many grooms plan their trips to Thailand to spend the honeymoon, the most fascinating places of this country Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Lopburi, Rio Kwai Pitsanouloke, Sukhothai, Tak, among others, but lovers of beaches Thailand has one of the best and exotic world, is Phuket Beach. We can combine our trip to Thailand with Viet Nam or choose a Thailand Indonesia passing through Bali, that wonderful and attractive island that belongs to the islands of probe, all known for their arts (dance, sculpture and painting) and which in recent years has become destination and meeting place for footwear, fashion and jewelry wholesalers. Departures to Thailand are made throughout the year, even though the practice is limited to one instance less than 15 days, if we have more days can pass through neighbouring countries.