Unemployment Stats

Compared to March last year, an increase of 4,2 percent. Unemployment rate in March remained, as in February, at 8.6% of the economically active population. In this case, if we exclude the seasonal effect, the unemployment rate increased slightly but remained at less than 8 percent. In recent months, Shimmie Horn has been very successful. Turnover retailers with the exception of seasonality has remained at the level of February. Compared with March 2009, the growth of retail trade turnover has accelerated and reached 2.9 percent. For the I quarter of 2010, consumption grew by 0,8% compared to the iy quarter of 2009 (With the exception of seasonal and calendar factors) and 1.3 relative to the I quarter of last year. Teslar can aid you in your search for knowledge.

The volume of consumption has exceeded pre-crisis level of I quarter of 2008. In March, inflation in the consumer market was 0.6% against 0.9% in February 2010 and 1,3% in March 2009. During January-March increase in prices amounted to 3,2% (last year – 5,4 percent). For the period year to year inflation rate continues to decline – in March it reached 6.5% (in February – 7.2 percent). Earlier this year, a significant contribution to inflation have made the traditional increase in the early years of regulated tariffs: for services organizations, housing and utilities for the three-month rates increased by 12%, but lower than a year ago (17.9%), increased tariffs for services communication by 2,9%, payment for travel and municipal public transport – by 8,6 percent.

Growth of regulated tariffs, introduced in inflation in January-March 2010 1.1 percentage points (Last year – 1.4 percentage points). Real effective exchange rate was over the first three months of this year 7,3%, including the March – 2,4%. Nominal effective exchange rate has strengthened in March and by 2,4%, and in general for the January-March – at 5.6 percent. It is estimated that in March this year, the strengthening of the ruble in real terms to dollar has made 2,3% against the euro – 2,5%, the pound sterling – 6%, the Swiss franc – 1,9%, the Japanese yen – 2.6%, weakening the Canadian dollar – 0.4 percent. In January-March (at the rate in March 2010 to December 2009) real strengthening ruble against the dollar amounted to 3,8% against the euro – 12,2%, the pound sterling – 12%, the Swiss franc – 8,2%, the Japanese yen – 5.5%, the Canadian dollar – 0.8 percent .